Saturday, July 3, 2010

Terry post:

Summer Winery Reading List for 2010

Every year the newspapers, hosted television shows and magazine create some sort of recommended reading list for those whose near-term plans including lounging on a beach somewhere.

These lists generally are packed with fiction offerings - the sort of get-away reading which is best enjoyed away from home.

I am going to take a slightly different view of summer reading: reading to increase productivity and focus the mind of the business side of the vintner. So, here is my recommended reading list for the summer of 2010.

“Good to Great” by Jim Collins. I have recently re-read this book and found it less impactful this time around, yet still a must-read for anyone who works to make their business successful for the long run. Mr. Collins provides simple guidance which business owners can take to heart and exploit. It is interesting to note that several of the “Good to Great” businesses listed in the tome have gone belly-up since the first publishing of the book.

“Heart of Change” by Jon Kotter. Another b-school favorite which places a great deal of stock in the need to commit emotionally to economic ventures. For those who are passionate about their business yet see the need to change - this is a must read.

“Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim. Seriously outside-the-box thinking in this easy to read book which has spawned a subculture of followers. Awhile back, I suggested to Iowa wine growers that their inability to grow the typical California grapes was not a weakness. Using Blue Ocean Strategy, I suggested that Iowa has an advantage over California in grapes that are unique to Iowa advantage should be exploited.

“Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair” by Pablo Neruda. I have always felt that there was something poetic about making wine. While this book has nothing to do with wine making, it has everything to do with love and passion - virtues necessary to be successful in life. Written by the 20th centuries finest poet in any language.

~ Terry

1 comment:

  1. What a great reading list! I've read the Blue Ocean Strategy book a while back and it is (or can be) transformative.

    There is even a section in the book dedicated to the wine industry. The author illustrates how Yellow Tail brand found its own blue ocean.

    Attentive and innovative wineries/regions can and should harness these concepts!

    Nice piece, TJ!
